
Laurentis's trusted suppliers

Laurentis requires skilled, trusted suppliers to help meet the complex demands of its clients.

Laurentis's procurement process

Laurentis’s procurement framework is designed to ensure that the procurement processes are fair, open, transparent, geographically neutral, and accessible to qualified Suppliers, subject only to the permitted exceptions set out in Laurentis governance.

Laurentis uses the appropriate procurement methodology depending on the type and value of each procurement.

Occasionally, Laurentis may post procurement opportunities. Interested Suppliers are encouraged to view the summaries on the Laurentis Biddingo page.

If Suppliers participating in any Laurentis procurement activities have any complaints or concerns regarding the Laurentis procurement processes, they may submit them to Laurentis Ethics Office at

Potential Suppliers

All new Suppliers are welcome to check new bidding listings by Laurentis on Biddingo.

Current Suppliers

For Suppliers with existing contracts, contact your Laurentis contract owner counterpart or the Supply Chain purchasing agent listed on your purchase order.

Indigenous Suppliers

Laurentis is committed to sourcing and procuring goods and services from Indigenous suppliers, where possible, and is guided by an Indigenous Procurement Policy. If you are an Indigenous-owned business interested in working with Laurentis, please review our policy here. Laurentis’s Indigenous Business Declaration Form is here.

Laurentis is a member of the Canadian Council for Indigenous Business (CCIB) and a CCIB Supply Change™ Indigenous Procurement Advocate. Learn more here.


Assessing Laurentis’s sourcing strength

As part of Laurentis's planning cycle, the company continuously assesses its strategic sourcing.

For existing Suppliers, your company’s profile and associated information must be included in case our review reveals changes in Laurentis’s sourcing capability, or to address a specific internal client request. Laurentis welcomes your response to help the company evaluate available Supplier market options.

If you are a service provider, and intending to work on Laurentis premises, there is a requirement to register your business with and be in a good standing with ISNetworld.

In order to do business with Laurentis, Suppliers must meet Laurentis's qualification standards.

Setting standards

Laurentis operates with a high degree of integrity and expects all of its Suppliers to behave ethically and with integrity. The Laurentis Supplier Code of Conduct outlines the business conduct Laurentis expects, including compliance, reporting, disclosure of conflicts of interest, and adherence to rules regarding gifts and entertainment.

Laurentis is committed to being an ethical company that conducts itself and its business with honesty and integrity. The Laurentis Code of Conduct helps maintain transparency.

Suppliers Code of Conduct

The following describes the standards of business conduct Laurentis Energy Partners (Laurentis) expects from every Laurentis Supplier including their owners, employees, agents, partners, and subcontractors who provide goods and/or services to Laurentis.


1.0 Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Suppliers must promote inclusive, respectful, healthy, and safe workplaces that are free from harassment, discrimination, workplace violence, retaliation, and other disrespectful and inappropriate behaviour. Suppliers must treat all employees and persons with whom they do business with dignity and respect and comply with legal obligations that prohibit discrimination or harassment.

2.0 Employment Practices and Labour Relations

Suppliers must comply with all applicable labour and employment laws, statutes, and regulations of the jurisdictions in which they and Laurentis operate. Suppliers must be able to demonstrate that, in their workplaces:

  • No child labour or forced labour is used
  • Discrimination, harassment, and workplace violence are not tolerated
  • There is respect for the rights of workers to associate and bargain collectively
  • Employees are free to raise concerns without fear of reprisal

3.0 Environment

Suppliers must comply with all applicable environmental laws, statutes, and regulations of the jurisdiction in which they operate and meet all legal requirements and strive to prevent or mitigate adverse effects on the environment with a long-term objective of continual improvement.


4.0 Compliance with Laws

Suppliers must comply with all applicable laws, statutes, and regulations of the jurisdictions in which they and Laurentis operate.

5.0 Laurentis Code of Business Conduct

The Code establishes Laurentis values and sets the standard for Laurentis’s business behaviour. All Laurentis employees must understand and adhere to the Code. Suppliers must not engage in any conduct that would cause Laurentis or any of its employees to be in breach of any of the obligations set out in the Code.

Suppliers must not engage in any business conduct in their normal course, including in their relationship with Laurentis, that could be perceived as unethical.

6.0 Conflict of Interest

A conflict of interest is any situation where personal interests (family, close friendships, financial or social factors) present an actual, perceived or potential conflict with the interests of Laurentis. Conflicts of interest occur where personal interests could compromise judgement, decisions or actions in the workplace. This includes situations where there is a personal interest or relationship between a Supplier and a Laurentis employee.

6.1 Declaration of Actual, Perceived or Potential Conflict of Interest

Suppliers must declare any actual, perceived or potential conflict of interest using the Supplier Conflict of Interest (COI) Declaration (“Supplier COI Declaration Form”). The Supplier COI Declaration Form is available on the Laurentis Supply Chain Intranet site and external site.

7.0 Gifts and Entertainment

Suppliers must never offer, ask for, give, or receive any gift, gratuity, entertainment, hospitality, or benefit that may compromise or appear to compromise a Laurentis employee’s ability to make business decisions in the best interest of Laurentis. For the purpose of this section, gifts include physical items, services, and cash or gift certificates. Nominal gifts, such as sweets and/or advertising mementos (pens, calendar, etc.) with a value of $25 or less, may be allowed. Hospitality includes meals, beverages, invitations to social or recreational outings, accommodations, and travel.

If a Supplier is unsure whether a nominal gift or hospitality offer complies with the Code or Supplier Code, the Supplier should consult with Laurentis’s Ethics Office (

8.0 Anti-Bribery and Corruption

Suppliers must never offer, ask for, give, or receive any form of bribe, kickback, any other type of improper payment, or attempt to gain influence or competitive advantage through improper means. Suppliers must also never offer or give facilitation payments, i.e., payments to foreign public officials to expedite or secure the performance of any act of a routine nature that is part of that official’s duties or functions.

Suppliers must ensure that the requirements of all applicable anti-corruption laws are met, including, but not limited to, Canada’s Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act. No payments, gifts or other benefits may be given, directly or indirectly, to public officials, political parties, or political candidates for the purpose of influencing government decisions in Laurentis’s or the Supplier’s favour or securing any other improper advantage.

Suppliers are expected to ensure that payments made to agents or other third parties are not used, in whole or in part, to influence government decisions or secure any other improper advantage. Suppliers must not engage in any form of corruption, extortion and/or embezzlement.

9.0 Proper Use of Laurentis Assets

Suppliers must protect Laurentis’s assets, use them properly and use them only for authorized Laurentis business. Protect Laurentis’s assets from fraud, theft, and destruction (e.g., by vandalism or neglect) and must not use them for anything other than authorized Laurentis business.

10.0 Sanctions

Supplier represents and warrants that

  • The Supplier and its affiliates are in compliance with all Sanctions
  • Neither Supplier nor its affiliates (a) have received notice of any actual or alleged violation of, non-compliance with, or liability arising from, Sanctions, or (b) have any reason to believe that any such notice will be received or is being threatened
  • Neither the Supplier nor its affiliated parties, or any director, officer, employee, agent or related company (i) is a Sanctioned Person; or (ii) knowingly engages in any dealings or transactions, or is otherwise knowingly associated, with any Sanctioned Person that would result in any violation of (A) any Sanctions, or (B) applicable regulations, rules, or executive orders issued or administered by any Sanctions Authority
  • It has implemented and maintains in effect policies and procedures designed to ensure compliance by the Supplier, their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents with all Sanctions and all applicable regulations, rules or executive orders issued or administered by any Sanctions Authority.

Supplier must ensure that

  • It complies with all Sanctions at all times
  • It promptly gives notice to Laurentis if there is any breach of Sanctions
  • None of the payments from Laurentis would be used to fund any operations in, finance or facilitate any investments, activities, business or transaction with, or make any payments to, a Sanctioned Person or in any country or territory, that, at the time of such funding, is, or whose government is, the subject of Sanctions in any manner that would result in any violation by any Person of (i) any Sanctions; or (ii) any applicable regulations, rules, or executive orders issued or administered by any Sanctions Authority
  • The Supplier’s representations and warranties on Sanctions remain true at any and all times in which it conducts business with Laurentis

For the purposes of this section,

"Applicable Law" means, in relation to any Person, property, transaction or event, all applicable provisions of: (a) statutes, laws (including the common law), rules, regulations, decrees, ordinances, codes, proclamations, treaties, declarations or orders of any governmental authority; (b) any consents or approvals of any governmental authority; and (c) any orders, decisions, advisory, or interpretative opinions, injunctions, judgments, awards, decrees of, or agreements with, any governmental authority, in each case applicable to or binding upon such Person, property, transaction or event.

Person” means any individual or legal person.

"Sanctions" means any Applicable Law governing transactions in controlled goods or technologies or dealings with countries, entities, organizations, or individuals subject to economic sanctions and similar measures, including, without limitation, the Special Economic Measures Act (Canada), the United Nations Act (Canada), the Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act (Canada), the Freezing Assets of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act (Canada), Part II.1 of the Criminal Code (Canada), and the Export and Import Permits Act (Canada), and any regulations thereunder, as well as any Applicable Law set out by any other Sanctions Authority.

"Sanctions Authority" means any of: (a) the government of Canada; (b) the government of the United States of America; (c) the United Nations; (d) the European Union; (e) the United Kingdom; or (f) the respective departments and agencies of any of the foregoing, including Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada, Public Safety Canada, the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the U.S. Department of State.

"Sanctioned Person" means any Person that is: (a) designated under, listed on, or owned or controlled by a Person designated under or listed on, or acting directly or indirectly on behalf of a Person designated under or listed on, any list of Persons who are subject to Sanctions under Applicable Law that is binding on the Laurentis or any of their respective subsidiaries or affiliates; (b) located in, incorporated under the laws of, or owned or controlled (directly or indirectly) by, or acting on behalf of a Person located in or organized under the laws of a country or territory that is the target of country-wide or territory-wide Sanctions.

11.0 Privacy, Information Security, Confidential Information, and Intellectual Property

Suppliers must protect Laurentis sensitive information against theft, loss, destruction, unauthorized access/release, or misuse. Sensitive information includes information that is proprietary, technical, business, financial, and personal or requires confidentiality. Except as required by law, Suppliers must not disclose Laurentis sensitive information to anyone outside Laurentis, without prior written approval from Laurentis. Suppliers must not use Laurentis sensitive information for any improper purpose. This applies even after the Supplier’s contract is complete.

Sensitive information includes information that is proprietary, technical, business, financial, personal, or otherwise requires confidentiality. Sensitive information is owned by or has been entrusted to Laurentis and must be kept confidential to preserve Laurentis’s competitive advantage or commercial interests.

Suppliers must protect Laurentis’s intellectual property such as copyrighted information, trademarks and logos, patents, and trade secrets against loss or infringement, and use them only for Laurentis business.

Suppliers understand and agree that Laurentis may require Supplier to provide certain personal information of Supplier’s representatives to facilitate the performance of goods/services provided by the Supplier and that information shall be processed and maintained by Laurentis as set forth in Laurentis’s Privacy Policy available at

12.0 Insider Trading

Suppliers must comply with applicable insider trading laws and regulations.

13.0 Communications

Suppliers must have permission from Laurentis Communications before releasing for publication any information in respect of business relations with Laurentis or speaking as a Laurentis Supplier in any public forum, including presentations to industry, community, or business groups and/or media/social media forum or with a media representative. Suppliers must not use their association with Laurentis for any improper purposes.

14.0 Procurement, Outsourcing, and Subcontracting

In providing materials or services to Laurentis, Suppliers must not use any minerals (or metals derived from such minerals) that have been illegally mined, transported, or traded in a manner that directly or indirectly finances or benefits non-state armed groups or private security forces.

Laurentis expects that Suppliers will exercise reasonable due diligence in their supply chains to ensure this requirement is met. Ensure that procurement practices, including outsourcing or subcontractor arrangements, comply with the Supplier Code.

15.0 Hiring Former Laurentis Employees

Suppliers must not take any action that could jeopardize the ability of former employees to meet their legal or contractual obligations to Laurentis following the end of their employment.


16.0 Occupational Health and Safety

Suppliers must foster a health and safety culture that embraces physical and psychological safety and incorporates this into day-to-day decision making to promote healthy and safe work environments.


17.0 Code Compliance

Suppliers must maintain accurate records to demonstrate compliance with applicable laws and the Supplier Code. Suppliers must not destroy any records that may be relevant to any legal or regulatory proceeding.

Laurentis reserves the right to audit or investigate Suppliers with respect to Code or Supplier Code compliance. Suppliers must cooperate with any such audits or investigations.

Suppliers who violate the Code or Supplier Code, or who are aware of conduct by others that violates or appears to violate the Code or Supplier Code must report it to Laurentis’s Ethics Office ( All reports are taken seriously.

17.1 Retaliation and Reprisal

Laurentis does not tolerate retaliation or reprisal, including threats for good faith reporting or participation in a complaint process. Retaliation or reprisal against any Person for good faith reporting of breaches of the Code or Supplier Code is prohibited.

17.2 When the Supplier Code does not have the Answer

There may be occasions when the Supplier Code does not have the answer to the ethical question suppliers are facing, or there may be a difficult judgment call to make with respect to the application of the Supplier Code. In these cases, Suppliers should consult with the Laurentis Ethics Office ( for guidance.

17.3 Consequences

Breaches of the Supplier Code are taken seriously by Laurentis. A failure to comply with the Supplier Code may result in suspension or termination, in whole or in part, of the Supplier’s agreement(s) with Laurentis and may include removal of the Supplier from Laurentis’s Supplier list. The Supplier Code is not to be read in lieu of but in addition to the Supplier’s obligations as set out in any agreements between Laurentis and the Supplier. In the event of a conflict between the Supplier Code and an applicable agreement, the agreement will govern.

18.0 Contacts/Reporting Channels

Have further questions? Please contact:

Supply Chain at

Ethics Office at

Accounts payable

To learn about the systems that Laurentis uses to communicate with vendors and suppliers to ensure invoices and payments are addressed efficiently and accurately, please visit the Accounts Payable page.