Project Management Organization for refurbishment

A new lease on life

The time comes when a nuclear power plant either needs to be retired or refurbished. For operators looking to extend the life of a nuclear reactor and continue to reap the many benefits of nuclear energy, Laurentis has the expertise you need.

Nuclear refurbishment

Laurentis’s extensive nuclear refurbishment expertise guarantees that your refurbishment project will be managed with the utmost care and brought in on time and on budget.

Darlington aerial

OPG’s Darlington refurbishment

Laurentis services: OPEX and technical assistance, owner’s engineer, feasibility studies, and contract management services for OPG’s four-unit nuclear refurbishment.


SNN's Cernavoda refurbishment

Laurentis services to this project in Romania include: Owner’s Engineer and System Analysis/Design/Engineering support to SNN’s Cernavoda Unit 1 refurbishment, training of key SNN staff, and supporting the design and construction of a tritium removal facility.