Project Management Organization for new nuclear

Nuclear power plants are complex, multi-year, multi-billion dollar undertakings that do not always go as planned. But with seasoned, proven, reliable partners, your nuclear project can be delivered on-time and on-budget, providing you with clean, carbon-free power for the decades ahead.

Project management and operations

Laurentis’s new nuclear project management services include a full suite of project planning and delivery services to ensure new nuclear projects are delivered on time and on budget. From conception to planning, engineering, permitting, construction, commissioning, and operation, Laurentis has the people and expertise to make new nuclear projects proceed quickly and smoothly from conception through to the generation of clean, reliable power. Laurentis is not just comfortable with large, complex projects in highly-regulated environments; it’s where the company thrives.

Small reactors. Big results.

Laurentis is on the forefront of the rapidly advancing field of Small Modular Reactors. From feasibility to planning to operations, learn how Laurentis is supporting SMR projects around the world.

How new nuclear projects take flight

Explore Laurentis’s suite of project management and operations services designed specifically to help you deliver your new nuclear project.

  • Project execution planning
  • Project staff planning
  • Project governance
  • Project roadmaps
  • Integrated project schedule
  • Project description/feasibility
  • Site evaluation and characterization support
  • Nuclear fuel and waste lifecycle support
  • Licensing plan and strategy
  • Environmental Assessment support
  • Licence to Prepare Site
  • Preliminary Safety Analysis Report support
  • Licence to Construct
  • Final Safety Analysis Report support
  • Licence to Operate
  • Operational design and resource plan
  • Resource capacity building
  • Workforce plan
  • Recruitment and hiring
  • Operations and maintenance design review
  • Training
  • Plant procedures and work instructions
  • Management system development and implementation
  • Operations pre-startup review
  • Vendor qualification
  • Vendor oversight
  • Contract management