Laurentis and McMaster Enter Historic Clean-Energy Sorting & Recycling Research Initiative
Laurentis Energy Partners, a company of Ontario Power Generation (OPG), has entered into a partnership with McMaster University, called the Clean-Energy Materials Sorting and Recycling Research Initiative. The partnership is designed to advance nuclear-energy innovations and support environmental solutions across the industry.
The research initiative will explore new techniques to manage low-level nuclear byproducts (such as worker garments, shoe covers and gloves, mops and rags used in cleaning, small tools, and materials such as paper, wood and concrete). Working together, Laurentis and McMaster will explore new methods and technologies such as automated sorting, to help divert more nuclear byproducts to re-use and recycling. The joint research findings will be completed on a commercial scale to affect positive change, not only in Canada, but potentially on a global scale.
The materials in this research initiative are collected from the daily operations of OPG-owned generating stations, for processing and storage at OPG’s Western Waste Management Facility at the Bruce County nuclear site.
The exploration project will take two years to complete. It will be housed in a custom-designed research laboratory at McMaster Innovation Park in Hamilton, Ontario. The lab will house state-of-the-art equipment and will bring up to 30 new jobs to Hamilton over the two-year period. The new research site, at 44 Frid Street, will open in the summer of 2020.
Laurentis and McMaster are looking forward to the research findings from this partnership. To read more about this initiative, visit