Laurentis is building a workplace that reflects the communities it serves: places of diversity, respect, and inclusion. This means making Laurentis a fair and welcoming place where everyone has support to grow and realize their career goals. It also means a more dynamic, capable, and competitive Laurentis. Because at Laurentis, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (ED&I) are part of what makes the company an energy industry powerhouse.
Laurentis’s three ED&I pillars in-depth
Leadership action
Laurentis is helping diverse employees develop their skills and advance through proactive coaching and mentoring. Under its succession plan, the company provides a mentor for each employee that includes the creation of a personal development strategy that meets the unique needs of that individual. Laurentis also has a leadership development program that provides opportunities for employees from diverse backgrounds to participate and grow.
Talent acquisition and management
Laurentis’s recruitment is targeted towards attracting a diversity of applicants and is structured in such a way as to eliminate bias in the selection process. The company ensures that once this diverse talent is acquired, advancement decisions are made in a bias-free manner and always with a view to building a company that reflects the diverse communities we operate in and serve.
Learning opportunities
Company-wide, Laurentis is increasing awareness of what ED&I is and how it benefits Laurentis to build a strong and inclusive corporate culture. In doing this work, Laurentis is also raising awareness of the challenges that historically underrepresented groups face and providing support on how to break down these barriers. Employee Resource Groups are another way employees from marginalized groups are given opportunities to come together and discuss concerns, identify barriers to be raised with management, and create a support network for one another. Providing this type of forum gives employees from diverse backgrounds the opportunity to share feedback and be heard, and allows Laurentis to incorporate that feedback into the company’s structures and practices.